Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pro-whaling nations win vote to resume whale hunting

Global Warming has been talked about for many years but now it seems that many of the early predictions such as the melting of the Arctic ice shelf and extreme weather are now a reality.

Many political figures around the world have accepted that Global Warming represents an inconvenient truth that must be faced and many are campaigning serious to globally cut human generated greenhouse gas emissions.

The pro-whaling nations won their first vote towards the resumption of commercial whaling for 20 years.

The latest meeting of the International Whaling Commission backed a resolution calling for the eventual return of commercial whaling by a majority of just one vote.

Japan, who were pro-active in securing the victory said that the outcome was "historic".

Conservation groups expressed dismay at the outcome and have urged all nations to work harder to prevent the decision from being ratified. For the 1986 ban on whaling to be lifted it needs support from three-quarters of the commission.

Japan and other pro-whaling nations want to move the International Whaling Commission away from conservation towards managing whale numbers.

Most scientist agree that the numbers of certain species of whales have now reached pre-ban numbers and so could support controlled commercial whaling.

Do you think that the ban on whaling should be lifted?

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1 comment:

David said...


I think the ban should be lifted.

Currently only 17% of the whales caught in the world are caught under IWC regulations.

This is an indictment on years of procrastination at the IWC.

It is time to establish an appropriate management regime so that the conservation of whale stocks and their wise sustainable utilization can be provided for, now, and in to the future.

(I run a pro-sustainable use blog, focusing heavily on the whaling issue - feel free to visit)
