Monday, November 16, 2015

Enhanced Grid Styling

Grid Format Style Banding

To improve the visibility of questions entered in into grids new grid style elements have been created. Grid questions can now be given alternating display band attributes and the grid border colour can be set.

The grid style elements that are now available are:
·       Grid Questions, Odd Bands (Default)
·       Grid Questions, Even Bands
·       Grid Body, Odd Bands (Default)
·       Grid Body, Even Bands
·       Grid Borders (Fore Colour Only)

If grid banding is not required then the Even Bands style elements (Grid Questions, Even Bands & Grid Body, Even Bands) are left blank (or cleared) and then banding will be disabled and the odd and even bands will both use the default Grid Questions, Odd Bands (Default) & Grid Body, Odd Bands (Default) style attributes.

If grid banding is required, then first the Odd Bands (Default) style elements should be confirmed or set and then the Even Bands style elements configured.

For example using the survey composer’s Style Customizer screen, the Grid Questions, Odd Bands (Default) element is selected and the Fore Colour is set to crimson (#782727) and the Back Colour to a shade of ocra (#cc9900).

Then the Grid Questions, Even Bands element is selected and the Font Colour is set to white (#ffffff) and the Back Colour to a rusty brown (#cc6600).

The Grid Body, Odd Bands (Default) Fore Colour is set to White (#ffffff) and the Back Colour to Sand (#b7781d). For this example the Grid Body, Even Bands is not defined as the grid body is not required to be banded.      

Finally, the Grid Borders (Fore Colour Only) Fore Colour is set to black (#000000) in order to set the colour of the grid borders.

Combined with other attributes that have been set such as the surveys default font, font colour, background colour, grid headings and heading the results of setting the grid style attributes as above results in the following display style.

If the Grid Body, Odd Bands (Default) and Grid Body, Even Bands attributes are changed so that their Back Colours are the same as their respective question’s Back Colour, the result would be as shown below.

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